Some of those who worked Halloween Haunt with me in the late 1990's and early 2000's, remember that I always carried a camcorder around with me.
I had 2 cameras. A Sony NightVision, and a JVC. The JVC broke a while ago.
One day, I was cleaning out a room, and I found a shoebox full of 40 camcorder video tapes. It was all those tapes from Haunt. Each tape holds 2 hours of video.
Quickly, I bought a DVD recorder, and was able to transfer 20 of those tapes to DVD.
We decided to have a viewing party to see these 20 tapes/DVD's.
All the memories of Sandy (The Queen) and the way Haunt used to be were preserved on those 20 tapes. It was great to see all the crazy stuff we did. Especially Elaine's crazy parties.
This package in the mail is my key to transer the next 20 tapes in that shoebox.
Leah, who worked in the original Dominion and Ghost Town with me, let me borrow her Mother's camcorder. But, it did not have a power chord. And, since my JVC camera is broken, I need Leah's camera to view the last 20 mini digital tapes.
So, once I get her camera working with the chord I bought on Amazon, I will see all the old memories again. Hopefully I will have more footage of our friends who have passed away, like Big Mike, Dennis, and of course Sandy.
I'm so curious about what is on those tapes. I have faint memories of people yelling out, "this footage is black mail", and, "ha ha, Mike is getting this all on video". All I know, is that when I was filming all that stuff many years ago, I knew that it was a unique time of our lives, and a fun era. We had so much fun in those days.
One funny thing, is that everyone used to ask me, "Is this for 'The Video?'". And I would always say, "yes". You see, back then, we always had intentions of making a yearbook type of video for each season of working the haunt. And, then distribute them to everyone in the maze, or street zone, as a momento of the year. Kind of like the way each group makes a Haunt T shirt every year. The only person that actually made a video from our maze, "Dominion of the Dead", was Phil. And, CS streets made a few videos as well for their zone. But, "The Video" that I was supposed to be working on, never got made.
As of now, I just want to finish trasferring all the tapes to DVD, have another viewing party, and then post a few clips on YouTube. But, no black mail videos on the internet. The crazy stuff will only be shown at our private viewing parties. I promised some people all those years ago that I would never post some of that footage on the internet.
Hopefully this chord I bought works. I'll let you guys know.