Friday, April 30, 2010

Nightmare on Elm ST (2010)

Thought it was ok.

Production value is better than the original, mainly because it's been over twenty years since it came out.

Jackie Earle Haley plays Freddy Krueger in this new version. He did a great job, and he's a great actor. But, I like Robert Englund's portrayal of Freddy better.

Not sure why they didn't hire Robert Englund.

One thing they did well, was the backstory of Freddy Krueger.

One bad thing, was that they used 30 something year old's, playing highschoolers.

I liked the movie, but, I was hoping for it to be a little bit better considering it's a remake of such an iconic movie.

I am happy for Jackie Earle in the sense that he got a great gig. He had more roles back in the 1970's when he was a teen. Good to see him working again.